Wednesday, December 22, 2010

DAY 24

How is your Christmas receiving going?

I know, it's supposed to be the season of giving, but really?

Mary was the first to receive what the Lord had planned for her and the Holy Spirit overshadowed her and she, a virgin, was with child. Sometimes it cost to receive from Him.

Joseph would be next. He had to take a pregnant woman as his wife instead of putting her away.
Sometimes it cost to receive Him.

When Jesus was born the first responders were the shepherds. Angels told them a savior had been born in Bethlehem. and a sign for them they would find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger.

The shepherds made haste and left their flocks and went to to see. They were not disappointed. They received what the angels had told them. So much so that they went out and told others what they had seen and been told. And the shepherds returned glorifying and praising God.

More tomorrow.

Father, open my heart and clean it out so that it is fit for the King of Kings. This season of receiving, let me receive the joy of salvation. And then let me tell others what good things I have received from You.

Yes, this is the season of receiving and giving. But first you must receive.

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