Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Year!

I have posted this blog for a year now. I do take Sundays off, holidays, and some vacations, but for me to do this consistently is nothing short of a miracle.

My office is full of journals that say -I am going to write everyday. And the next post is 6 months later : )

BUT God had another idea. He woke me a year ago and put it in my heart to do a 100 days with the Son. Get up, watch the sun rise and read His word.

After a 100 days - I didn't want to stop. So I am still going.

What have I learned? God is faithful. HE meets me every morning. Even when my eyes are still glued shut from night's sleep. Even when I am in a not so nice mood. Even when I come to my desk with nothing at all to offer.

And it is on those days, when His Spirit breaks through the chaos of this world and shines His light on His Word and His Way.

Rejoice in the Lord. For He is truly God of all, Creator of all, and wonderful in every way. It is my prayer that you are blessed by my journey with the Lord.

Have a blessed day.

Psalm 136:1,26 O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. O give thanks unto the God of heaven: for his mercy endureth for ever.”


  1. Blessings to you, sweet Patty! I've loved reading and watching you on this journey. Thank you for blessing us with what God shares with you!

  2. Congratulations, Patty! *pompom cheer* You inspire me to live consistently!
