Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
Does the New Life in Christ come with a manual?
Yes, The Holy Bible is our manual for holy living. For living that abundant life that Jesus gave us. For while we are a new creation, our flesh longs for the worldly ways. It's time for the Holy Spirit in you and your mind to submit unto the Lord and place the flesh in subjection.
No longer are we to be led by the wants of the stomach or lusts that formerly held us in bondage. We have been set free by the Blood of Christ and it is by His Word that we live and have our being.
Acts 17:28
For in him we live, and move, and have our being;...
Read and study the Bible. Pray before you begin your reading and ask Holy Spirit to teach you and guide you.
Do you know that you have asked Jesus into your life? That's where to begin. Ask Him.
Lord Jesus come into my life, enter my heart and take up your kingly reign in me. I believe You are the Son of God, Born of a virgin, crucified dead and buried and risen on the third day. I love You Lord.
Congratulations - you are a grafted in heir and child of God. Now with the mouth confess that you are a new creation and Jesus is Lord.
Now ask Him to baptize you in with Holy Spirit. Keep asking, seeking and knocking until you do.
Who hooo! You are on your way to New Life. Your problems may not disappear but you can know that you are not alone. And the God of all creation walks with you.
Can't beat that.
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