Friday, December 9, 2011

Where is God on the hard days?

We've all had them. Some more than most. Some worse than others. But they do come.

Whether your house in foreclosure, your husband just lost his job, or the whole country is in bankruptcy where is the hope?

Maybe you or your child is facing a life threatening illness. Maybe you were molested as a child by someone you respected.

Bad things do happen in this world to good people.

Years ago my mother was in the hospital dying from liver cancer. I remember sitting there looking at her. Wondering and I remarked to myself 'This is not fun.' Never expecting an answer.

But the answer did come. The second my thoughts stopped a 'voice' in my midst thundered
"Even in this, I AM."

God was with me, with my mom. HE was here. It still hurt, but I was not alone. And though my mother's body died, I know that she lives. I did not lose her, she passed into Glory and lives with the Great I AM.

Hebrews 13:5
... for he hath said, I will never leave thee, norforsake thee.

God is with us, regardless of what is happening in our lives. His promise, His Word, to walk us through the journey we are on. Take heart, you are not alone. You will get through the hard days and HE will forever be at your side.

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