Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.
God often requires His people take Risk to follow Him.
Not from His point of view as He knows the plan
But to His people, He asks hard things.
Go out into the deep!
Not stay by the shore, safe, but the deep.
To Moses, He put them between an army and a sea.
His people were to go into the land of giants
To the Joshua, go around that armed city
To the parable of the talents.
the ones who risked all received even more.
to the one who played it safe - it was taken from him.
God requires risk because to take risk requires faith.
He asks us to step out where we see no step.
He asks us to believe in faith
Take the risk today.
Follow Him!
Strike out into the deep, the place you've been afraid to go
to meet with the Great I AM and
open your heart, the deep places
and stay in faith
Trusting in the Lord of All
Listening to His voice and His commands
And Fall in Love with the Creator your Father in heaven.
Risk it