Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Living in a Stage IV World

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

Can't you feel it? See it?
Perilous times are surely here and near. Rumors of wars, and wars. Pestilence, Famine, Earthquakes
Signs in the heavens and stars.

A pope quits - popes don't quit, they die.  How odd is that?
Meteors strike the earth and an asteroid passes close by.
Israel is approaching it's red line to deal with Iran's nuclear weapons.
The US government has purchased a billion bullets - not for the military but homeland security.
The US government also purchased a large quantity of armored vehicles for homeland security.
We kill a 1,000 babies a day and who knows how many elderly and disabled are killed(allowed to die by withholding food and medicine) in hospice centers around the country.
Innocent blood covers our land.
Deception has infiltrated many churches so that they don't even know the Word of God and put the reasoning of this world over God's Word.

So what are we to do?  Run for the hills and stock  up on freeze dried food?

Right now, I think not.

Christians - arise.  Feed  your spirit. Eat the Bread of Life. Feast on the Word of God.

For God alone is our help. He alone can cause hearts to change. For a time such as this, God Almighty chose us to be here at this time.

Don't let your days be wasted chasing after the lust and dust of this world. Instead seek first His kingdom.

Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.

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