Friday, April 12, 2013


Matthew 16:23 (NKJV)
But He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.”

Read this verse today. Not sure I ever noticed the part - you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.  The KJV uses the word savourist instead of mindful.

So, how highly do I value the things of God? That is the question. Where do I get my knowledge? Do I go to what I think is right or what God thinks?

I don't want to have my mind full of my ideas. I want the mind of Christ.

For “who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him?”
But we have the mind of Christ.

Peter didn't want to hear that Jesus would be killed and taken from them. A noble thought, but one that is not in line what must happen. I would have been right there with Peter. And then isn't it ironic that this man who stood valiantly declaring he wouldn't let it happen, turned from Jesus when he was taken and denied that he ever knew Jesus. Not once but three times.

Are we any different? I am not. Though my words may be noble and even sound right, I know that many times I am not mindful of the things of God. I am more mindful of the things of this world.

I look at my country. The great USA and see it is coming apart at the seems and headed for disaster. I rail, rant, and come against those in power. And when I do, I my mind is full of the things of this world. 

Do I not understand that God will have His way and it is always right? That perhaps my country must fall to rise again. That souls hang in the balance and maybe many will not turn unless thing happen. 

No, many times I have not been mindful of Christ. 

Time to walk in the Spirit and take on the mind of Christ. Emptying my mind of the way of the world, I come to the Lord, arms raised and ask forgiveness and His wisdom.

Be mindful of the things of God.

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