Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Trouble Comes

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.

It is true, in this life trouble will come.
Truer still - our help comes from the Lord.

Why do people suffer?
Why did crazed mad men slam planes into buildings?
Why do children suffer?

Why are loved ones afflicted with painful disease?
Why do we lose loved ones?

There are no easy answers 
No answers that bring comfort
No reason that makes it right

But what I do know,
our help is in the Lord.
It will not always be so

Death has been conquered by our risen Lord.
There is a place and a time when sorrow will be no more.
He will wipe away our tears

And no more will we ask why.

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