To every thing there is a season,
and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
Time. What a unique creation by God for earth. In eternity, eternal life, I doubt there is any need for time. No need to mark the days or years. Eternity is a hard concept to grasp.
Have you ever noticed how some things can seem like the happened only yesterday and years ago in the same thought? I believe it is because we were created with eternity in mind.
Even here on earth, friends who haven't seen each other in decades can take right back up as if they never missed a day. Again, I believe it is because we are eternal.
In this crazy, wild world we live in, many of us forget the eternal question - what happens after this life?
That is the question we need to be concerned with. Nations will rise and fall, but you are eternal. Where do you go after this life? The question begs for an answer. Our hearts are set with an eternity in mind and a quest to discover the answer.
No,this is not all there is. There is so much more. Look beyond the next day, year, decade, lifetime. What do you see?
A life of joy and peace with your Heavenly Father and the saints, or a life without God? They are the only choices.
Seek Him while He may be found. Believe on His Son, Jesus, and be assured that you will be with Him in paradise at the appropriate time. There is but one way to the Father and that is through Jesus.
The clock on this life is running. It will not stop until that appointed time for your eternal destiny.
Choose wisely.