Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Do you know the good Shepherd?

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.

John 10:14
I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.

The idea of a shepherd gives such a great picture of peace and trust. The sheep don't worry about a thing if they watch the Shepherd, follow His direction, and trust Him. 

Jesus is the Good Shepherd. He gave His life that we might live. But not for a life lived in fear and worry. No. He came that we might have abundant life through Him. Trusting in Him.

As worries come to my mind, I hear in my spirit - The Lord is my shepherd. Truth. He knows what I need before I do. So, what is the deal? Why do worries have a hold over me? Where is my trust?

The answer may very well be in John 10:14. The last phrase of that verse stood out to me. ... and am known of mine.

Jesus knows us, but the abundant life will not come until we know Him. Spend time with Him. He is more than black and white words on a page. He is life. 

My goal today - get to know my good Shepherd a little better.

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